International Journal of Engineering Technology and Research en-US Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 A Scientific Research on the Concept of Computational Techniques. <p>The field of science processing known as computational science uses several arithmetic registering methodologies to address difficult problems. Although it is a scientific area, its intricate and powerful calculations are used to solve a variety of problems, help with model development, and add the function of recreation to conventional frameworks. Science has a tradition of providing solutions to problems as a result of logical experiments conducted in the lab. But as research and innovation advanced, it became possible to use various numerical techniques to address complicated problems in the scientific community as well. In order to mimic the systems being examined, analysts and engineers create PC projects and application programming, and they run these projects using a variety of tools.</p> Dr.Ambuj Agarwal Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Having a Working Understanding of SAST (Static Application Security Testing): Advantages and Disadvantages <p>The Static Application Security Testing (SAST) technique is used to examine the source code, byte code, assembly code, etc. to look for vulnerabilities that could endanger the security of the software that is currently being developed. IT is one of the automation testing methods that examines code flaws without actually running the test code. It is a type of white box testing technique that is carried out prior to code compilation. This is advantageous because all bugs found during testing can be fixed before the code is compiled, saving time and resources.</p> <p>It functions as a tool that is used throughout the software development life cycle with the goal of finding bugs while the software is being developed in the development environment. It is well-liked by programmers because it enables programmers to find almost all significant vulnerabilities by examining their own code before it is compiled. By doing this, the developers will be able to fix any bugs and improve the code's effectiveness to guard against vulnerabilities. The benefits and drawbacks of the SAST technique, as well as its working mechanism, will all be covered in the paper.</p> Dr. Satpal Singh Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) Research and Comparison to SAST <p>DAST is a unique application security testing strategy that is used to identify weaknesses in electronic applications by performing recreation attacks on them. The goal of this approach is to identify flaws in the application by evaluating it from the outside, which implies that the engineers will act as a malicious gatecrasher and will perform specific attacks on the application to see if they can figure out the code. This way, the engineers will actually want to figure out the weak spot in the code and the application and then use safer and more complex calculations that will not be easily broken by the gatecrasher..</p> Gaurav Saxena Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000